Videos For and Inside Your Salesforce | Salesforce Video Integration

Videos For and Inside Your Salesforce | Salesforce Video Integration

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Since 1999, Salesforce has remained one of the largest cloud-based tools helping businesses manage customer relationships better and improve productivity. Fast forward 20 years, the business landscape has evolved so much.

Today technology has empowered the buyer that his journey in the sales cycle begins even before a sales rep could enter. Sales teams are dabbling with a new challenge today – there is an increased need for hyper-personalization and constant engagement.

In fact, buyers are ready to pay a premium price to avail tailor-made solutions. 

It isn’t just about selling anymore. Sales reps are looking to build meaningful relationships with their customers. To make it more suitable for today’s intuitive customers, we have come up with something that would complement the existing technology stack and optimize sales efforts.

Hippo Video integration with Salesforce aims to make your sales and customer journey memorable by including a personalizable element inside of your powerful CRM.

Let’s take a quick look at the impact that videos for Salesforce can have in your sales activities:

  1. Engage prospects in every step along their sales journey
  2. Dynamic personalization of messages at scale
  3. Book more appointments
  4. Provide reports on customer interactions and behavior
  5. Accelerate your deal cycle

Hippo Video is the leading video engagement platform for B2B sales teams that can help you record, track, and share videos inside Salesforce without switching interfaces. It helps add flavor to prospecting, qualifying, closing, and follow up in your sales exercise. 

salesforce video integtration

Humanizing Prospect Engagement

Salesforce provides a holistic view of the customer lifecycle by unifying sales, marketing, and other departments which makes it easier to deliver personalized messages.

With both marketing and sales talking the same language they are able to make the customers their priority. With Hippo Video Salesforce integration, you will now be able to get face to face with your customers through videos.

Videos are psychologically stimulating and are the next closest to direct communication. When prospects are able to attach a human face behind the messages that deliver the value proposition, it establishes authenticity.

That is what Hippo Video integration for Salesforce is.

You can now record and send videos from the contacts tab, accounts tab or the leads tab. You can also use pre-recorded videos that can be easily uploaded to the cloud-based video library which can be repurposed for specific use cases when required. 

video integration with salesforce

Adding videos inside the sales outreach efforts will help establish a certain amount of credibility and trust in the minds of the prospects. 

By adding personalized video inside emails when reaching out to the prospects, it is going to take the personalization factor one notch higher helping sales reps achieve not only higher open rates but also build a personal connection with the prospect. 

Accelerate the sales cycle

Employing videos at every touchpoint in the sales cycle can help with immersive prospect engagement. Videos help overcome the challenge of back and forth communication and ambiguity of text messages that result in longer sales cycles. Videos can help deliver spot-on messages with clarity. 

Because videos are both visual and auditory they can be evocative and memorable.  When specific details such as brand visuals, colors, relatable dialogues are used alongside, they have the power to covertly influence user behavior. 

Pro-tip: Videos for Salesforce can also be used for internal communication. For e.g To introduce prospects to your AEs, facilitating easy handoff of prospects when they are being shifted from SDRs to AE during their sales journey. 

Dynamic Sales Pages 

Personalized sales pages help you stand out from your competitors as prospects can see the sales reps doing the talking. Using sales pages you can insert relevant videos, product demos, sales proposals or even customer testimonials as carousels below the video helping the prospect take the next step forward. 

You can also add interactive CTAs at the end of videos that will guide the prospects in making a decision soon after watching the videos and while they are still warmed up. 

You can also customize sales pages by adding the prospect’s logo, their name, and elements that match their brand, wowing your prospects

Insights on prospect behavior to increase productivity

Sales reps can increase their productivity by tracking how the prospect engages with video emails. With a comprehensive video analytics dashboard, you can now drill down to micro details such as video email opens, video play rates, location, and completion rate from the leads data available by click on each contact.  

video integration with salesforce

The data from this can be readily used by sales reps to plan their follow-ups and by managers to understand the performance of their team members. Video play rates and the heat map analysis lets the sales reps know where the prospects are dropping off, in turn, helping them focus on improving their sales pitches. 

Workflow automation

Videos stats can be used to automate tasks within Salesforce. Workflow automation, a form of the business logic engine is where tasks are executed based on certain criteria.

They can be extremely beneficial in saving time, reducing redundancy, improving efficiency and accountability, and enhancing productivity.  

With Hippo Video integration for Salesforce, sales reps can get insights on how prospects are interacting with videos. These stats can provide accurate information on the number of plays and duration of play which not only helps prioritize prospects but also paves way for the sales reps to improvise.their messages.  

  • Here are a few things that can be automated based on video analytics:
    Assign tasks to SDRs and AEs
  • Set email alerts to one or more recipients
  • Update value of fields on a record
  • Send outbound emails or follow-ups to prospects

Now that you have a low-down on the facts that will keep you afloat on your video sales journey, we would love to see you use videos for Salesforce.

By incorporating videos in your everyday sales exercises, you will be helping yourself with a customer-focused, to the point and engaging sales journey.  Welcome on board!

If you are still looking for answers to help you with the integration of Hippo Video inside Salesforce, reach out to us at email. 

salesforce video integration