AnyBody Can Do Videos: Tips and Best Practices for Shooting the Perfect Video

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“About 78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day.” – Hubspot

Videos attract people like magnet attracts steel.

Whenever we come across a video, we are drawn to hit that play button and watch what’s inside it. Also, we’ve reached a point where videos have become the need of the hour, for any business. You don’t do videos? Then it will become next to impossible to capture a person’s full attention.

Blending video into your business gives you a new approach to connecting better with your users. And, videos offer benefits which you don’t gain from written content alone.

[su_quote]“Nearly 55% of people pay close attention when consuming videos — more than all other types of content.” – Hubspot[/su_quote]

Simple fact: Text and images together can’t compete with video when it comes to building trust and engagement.

The importance of videos is obvious, and we can talk all day about the reasons that make them important. But before that, how do you go about shooting the perfect videos you’ve always wanted?

To make your video making journey easy, after about a year of experiments, we at Hippo Video have come up with a series of 7 episodes with the title ‘ABCD Videos.

And yes, after watching these seven videos, AnyBody Can Do videos 🙂

#Episode 1

How to write a killer script? | ABCD Videos

The foundation of any video is a well-written script. Spend a good amount of time in writing the script. Also, know who your audience is and whose attention you’re trying to get. Therefore, you’ll be able to create a script that holds information which your audience finds useful.

#Episode 2

Setting the Scene/Best Backdrop Ideas | ABCD Videos

Trust me, viewers notice everything! So don’t neglect to keep a check on what’s in the background before you shoot your video. Check out the video below to get ideas on how to choose a background for your next video.

#Episode 3

Choose the Right Camera to shoot perfect videos| ABCD Videos

Yes! Yes! It can get pretty tricky to select a camera from the enormous options available in the market. Hence, I don’t want to leave you alone in the dark. So, here’s a video listing out a few camera options to help you make the right choice.

#Episode 4

Best Microphones for Recording Video | ABCD Videos

Great Audio = Great Video

Nothing ruins a great video like substandard audio. To add value to your videos, make sure your audience gets to hear your voices clearly. The video below guides you on the multiple microphone options and tips on how to capture crystal clear audio.

#Episode 5

Best Video Lighting Tips for your Videos | ABCD Videos

Lighting plays a key role in every video. At the same time, it can be one of the most difficult aspects of shooting a video. So check out the video below to master a few of the simplest lighting tricks for shooting a clear video.

#Episode 6

Get Ready, Get Dressed & Hit the arena! | ABCD Videos

Always remember that your outfit plays a complementary role in your video. So, it’s important to wear a dress that’s less distracting to your audience. Clothes with patterns and heavy designs can seem disturbing to the viewer’s eyes. Therefore subjects are advised to wear solid colors and soft patterns when being recorded.

Here are some tips that help you look great in your videos.

#Episode 7

Video Editing Made Easy | ABCD Videos

Here comes the final phase, after you’re done shooting your video. Editing helps you put your story together by gathering all the scattered video pieces that you shot. So, if you’re just stepping into the editing game, you may feel confused by looking at the number of video clips you have. Well, I’m here to help.

The video below is a quick breakdown of the editing process with helpful tips and techniques that you can follow to fine-tune your videos to perfection.

Now, aren’t you supercharged to create awesome videos? I know you are!

Also, if you’ve got any tried and tested tips on creating a stellar video, feel free to let us know in the comments below.