7 Ways You Can Use Videos In The Classroom To Teach Effectively

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Using videos inside classroom has a fair bit of science involved. If you are unaware of what video could do in your classroom, how it could elevate your student’s academic success and what types of video you could use in the classroom, then this blog could enlighten you.

[su_quote]Research estimates that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and they’re processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text[/su_quote]

Proves video can improve learning and increase the rate at which we retain information.

Long lectures, heavy textbooks, boring activities seem outdated, especially when compared to the powerful engagement that video can offer.

Students today are technologically connected. When you as a teacher use videos in the classroom it stimulates student interest. Videos are easy to create and powerful if you wish to integrate technology into the classroom.

[su_quote]Over 7 million (1 in 7) U.S. students miss nearly a month of school each year[/su_quote]

In light of this fact, schools have started to introduce videos inside classroom to boost engagement rate between student and teacher. Along with videos schools are also adapting school management software that helps connect teachers and students.

videos inside classroom

Instead of only teaching, create an experience that students remember forever.

Video classroom does not mean you are putting your classroom on auto-pilot. Some teachers shy away from using video because:

  • They don’t know how to incorporate it effectively into a lesson.
  • Fear they have to learn another Edtech tool while not focussing on teaching.

These fears can be overcome when you have a better understanding of how to use videos inside classroom to improve student success.

Advantages of using videos for teaching and learning:

  • Reach children with a variety of learning styles, especially visual learners
  • Save hours of repetitive teaching, invest your time in other productive activities
  • Boost in-class engagement by allowing students to learn at their own pace
  • Engage students in problem-solving and fun activities
  • Mitigate cheating and bring out creativity from each student
  • Give personal feedback of students work through videos

This blog lists 7 type of videos you can use in the classroom to improve teaching experience and overall student success.

  1. Go Flexible With Recorded Live Lectures – How to make teaching videos?

Recording classroom lectures provide opportunities for your students to go back and listen to what you said if they have missed something or didn’t understand it the first time.

Recorded lectures provide flexibility for students to pause and re-watch the lectures according to their learning pace and needs.

Don’t restrict yourself to the classroom

Recording lectures don’t have to be restricted to the classroom alone. You can share lessons and insights anytime and from anywhere. However, you aim to do – be it in the classroom or elsewhere, all you need would be a video tool.

A number of video recording tools have evolved over time that can let you record classroom lectures as video. You could start by exploring the trial version of Hippo Video and give it a try.  With the help of Hippo Video – you can just walk in, press record, and start teaching.

videos inside classroom

LMS Integrations

Hippo Video integrates with Google Classroom and D2L so that you and your students can access your videos without ever having to leave your LMS. If you are looking for other LMS integrations, don’t sweat. By letting us know your requirements, we would do it for you in a jiffy.

Addressing Absence

Pre-recorded lectures help close gap in lessons that might result from your absence to the classroom. If you need to miss a class or to present material that cannot be covered in class due to time constraints or if you experience prolonged illnesses or other situations requiring you to be homebound – pre-recorded lectures will keep you going.

  1. Create Mini-Lectures By Narrating Over The Screen – How to record a video lesson?

Screen recording or capturing is the most popular means of creating videos for many teachers around the world.

Screen capturing lets you record everything that appears on your screen. Using screen capturing tool like Hippo Video will allow you to record your laptop screen with audio to create mini-lectures by narrating over the screen.

Screen recording has become relatively easy with the advent of browser-based video tools. You would be able to create professional screen recordings and share it with your students instantly.

Screen recording or screencasting can save you valuable class time, engage your students in the classroom, and provide an archive of important lessons that students can view multiple times, especially for hard-to-grasp concepts.

  1. Boost Engagement Rate With Video Presentation – How to make videos for online teaching?

As schools seek new and better ways to boost engagement rate between students and teachers, recording video presentations can be a good option.

Rather than forcing students to participate in quizzes, exams, and worksheets, you could challenge them to share what they’ve learned creatively through video presentations they’ve shot and done video editing themselves. And with educational technology, creating something awesome proves easier and faster than ever.

When it comes to presentation, Google Slides and PowerPoint-based presentations are predominant. So how do you go about recording a Google Slide presentation as video? Here is how you can.

Install the Chrome Extension of Hippo Video. As Google Slide is browser-based, once your presentation is ready you can bring it up and share it live from your Chrome web browser. From here, recording is easy — simply click on the button “Record Presentation” which appears in Slide. Make sure you’ve selected to record your screen as well as any additional video or audio sources you like, and click “next”. Hippo Video will capture everything you show, automatically sync your webcam or other video input, and make everything ready to share in seconds.

videos inside classroom
videos in the classroom

Recording presentations using Hippo Video has several benefits:

  • Helps student think deeply and make a speaking opinion without a script
  • Helps prepare bullet-point notes instead of keeping it writing focussed
  • Students can use Google Slides to present and record it as a video presentation
  • Helps students overcome the anxiety of public speaking in the long run
  • The presentation can be re-recorded if necessary

  1. Simplify Complex Concepts With Whiteboard Explainer Videos – How to record video lessons?

Video humanizes the teaching experience and can be a thoroughly useful tool in the educational sphere with its abilities to connect with students and teach hard-to-grasp concepts easily.

By recording explainer videos you could explain tricky concepts, save hours of repetitive teaching, give your students an option to watch later and make a dull topic really interesting. Students can also record explainer videos by explaining tricky concepts back to you and to their peers.

Whiteboard explainers can be extremely effective with students as it grabs their attention, makes them learn better and retain key concepts longer.

Staring into a webcam and pressing the record button can be tough for some of us – after all, we’re teachers, not TV personalities – but it’s actually easier than you might think with online video tools like Hippo Video.

While recording explainer videos, make sure you ask questions and give pauses to allow your students to think about their answers. This is actually a powerful way to engage students of all ages and encourage them to work through difficult concepts instead of sitting passively. Consider having your students answer questions in a related online discussion or as written work for the next class.

Here are 7 Free Online Video Tools for Teachers. Check it out.

  1. Provide Personalized Student Feedback With Videos

Research shows that feedback is the most effective way for students to learn. It allows students to clarify areas where students can improve; and provide students the opportunity to self-assess their skills and capabilities.

It is much easier to sound enthusiastic and encouraging when giving video feedback and it provides students the opportunity to listen repeatedly to the feedback.

Combining Technology With Personal Touch

But providing meaningful feedback in the classroom isn’t always possible. Video can be an engaging tool for providing personalized feedback on students’ work. By recording student feedback as videos, you can make it personalized, deliver them fast without taking up classroom time, and share them privately to the intended student.

Using video tool can empower you to move from writing comments to giving audio and video feedback which most likely offers some degree of time-saving and the chance to offer full explanations.

You could capture students’ work and provide video feedback to the students in a way that they can see their work visually, and connect that with the audio comments. This could improve students’ work by helping them to understand the types of errors that they are making and why these errors are incorrect, and shape a friendly connection with you, supporting them to be effective in their learning experiences.

You could also provide the opportunity for students to give feedback on what they have learned so you know your teaching is helping them to achieve the intended learning outcomes and can adapt your teaching where necessary (for example spending more time on a particular theory if students are struggling to understand it).

  1. Make Assignments Interactive With Videos

Presentation and effective communication skills that students develop in school will be among the most valuable assets they take into the workplace.

With video assignments, you could help your students immerse themselves in a topic more naturally and aid with interactive learning.

Video assignments go beyond traditional essays, assessments, reading assignments, and other types of homework.

They are research intensive, collaborative and acts as a highly engaging student activity. Students submitting video assignment will demonstrate skills, knowledge and their effective communication strategies.

Practice is an essential part of the learning process. With video, you can help your students get more practice time by allowing them to record or re-record assignments that can be easily reviewed and critiqued by you.

Make Video Assignments Research Intensive

Ask students to search for and find web videos that exemplify the concepts discussed in class or topics covered in the syllabus. Then asking students to their own video version of what they learned can prove to be quite impactful.

In doing so, students will come across a variety of interesting sources and will get a diverse knowledge on how to search for meaningful content online. Ideally, they will draw parallels between the content they find on the web and what’s being covered in class.

Tap Into The Creative Potential Of Students

Instead of asking students to write a five-page thesis, ask them to create a video instead. A five-page paper can certainly become a 2-minute video creation project.

Students will tap into their creative potentials to produce interesting and engaging video content. They will learn how to use digital media apps or digital technologies put at their disposal, and use that medium to present their own, original thoughts.

Asking students to record a spoken essay that is discussing a topic and sharing their opinion via a video can be effective as well.

This way students can improve their public speaking skills, learn how to craft their speech. It also helps students become effective communicators and prepare for the real world. Read more on video assignments here.

Hippo Video has a Guest Recording feature, with which you could share a guest recording link with your students to create videos and send it back to you without signing up.  

  1. Make Learning Fun With Role Plays

It is widely agreed that learning takes place when activities are engaging and memorable.

Role play is a learning activity that allows students to think beyond the confines of the classroom. Incorporating role-play in the classroom provides students with an active learning experience, adds variety, a change of pace, and engages students with each other. Even quieter students get the chance to express themselves.

Many classrooms have begun to record role-play sessions, giving both students and teachers the opportunity to review role-play sessions in detail, augmenting the learning process.

With a video tool in place, you could record the role plays happening in the classroom and view them later for reference, analysis, and reflection. This can allow an exercise to be revisited at a later date and re-evaluated based on subsequent learning and experience, which isn’t generally possible when the exercise has not been recorded.

If you truly want to provide an immersive and meaningful teacher-student learning experience, then you should definitely consider using videos in the classroom. Videos are easy to record with online lecture tools like Hippo Video. By using videos inside the classroom, you can rest assured that results will pay off immensely in the long run.

The World is transforming for a change. So does Education. Don’t you think it’s the right time to go about it? Try creating all 7 types of video with us by signing up for a free trial

More than half the population of teachers, students and schools have started to adapt videos in their classroom. When are you joining them?

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